Trade Show Displays Blog
Welcome to BERLINdisplays Trade Show Displays Blog! Discover tips and information to help improve your trade show displays and point of sale exhibits to stop traffic, engage customers, and showcase your company and products!Back to the future!

HI again, I hope all the exhibitors and attendees are healthy and doing well, not withstanding COVID-19.
Finally, there is so much to be thankful for….firstly our good health and, our great Canadian healthcare system with all of our devoted healthcare workers.
We now too, are on the brink of producing a vaccine for a cure.
With so many companies being in late stage vaccine trials.
And with the U.S. election finally over, bringing in a new administration ready to stabilize and bring together the country. Along with getting the virus under control.
Exhibit production and show bookings are even being planned for the summer with exhibitors reviewing and, updating their graphics.
Remember too, that besides exhibits, we design and produce great showrooms and instore displays, retail environments, museum fixtures and, COVID plexi and fabric dividers.
Lastly, let us look forward to being able to celebrate a happy holiday season together with a bright healthy future to look forward too.
Maybe distanced and virtual but, together in healthy, mind and bodies.
With hope for a healthy safe spring and, summer rebirth.
Happy holidays!
Stay healthy and safe!
Best regards, Larry

Congratulations! We are in the early stages of the recovery!
This is a global first. Congratulate ourselves!
We have adjusted greatly to the healthcare restrictions and, our infection rates have flattened.
Now, keep up the good work and celebrate this marathon for health and life. Remember though…social distanced, wearing a mask and handwashing. For a while, for sure.
This is the first time the world is living through similar times as the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic,
the Great Depression of the 1930’s, the 1968 King assassination riots /social unrest and, the 1972 Watergate scandal of government corruption. All at the same time! And, globally!
Canadian numbers actually are under control, including Ontario, which as of this writing, is prepping plans for Stage 3 of Ontario’s reopening. But we have a distance to go before a vaccine is found, manufactured, distributed, and administered to the world’s population. A daunting feat which the majority of us will live through if we continue to adhere to the health authorities’ directions.
And there are many positives with the population eating better, travelling less, and reducing pollution while having more family time. But yes, a challenge for parents, home-schooling their children while trying to work remotely when able.
The population also is spending less money without dining out, entertainment and, minimally travelling. Sadly, though the entertainment, restaurant and many businesses are being devastated. But, airlines are flying again. Hotels and restaurants are opening, albeit with reduced capacity, with strict distancing, mask-wearing and, hand sanitizing protocols in place.
Next week, the Together Again Expo trade show will take place in Orlando, Florida, which is presently a pandemic hotspot. This will be a true “virtual trade show”, which will allow “virtual attendance” from your computer. Truly, this will be an unprecedented test and opportunity to get the exhibit industry back on its feet. And it will actually merge mediums of actual and virtual. In some cases, “virtual booths” consist of little more than a page on a website.
If the Together Again Expo works well, it might be the platform for shows to begin again during the pandemic within new safe hygiene and behaviour structures in place. Hygiene will be of utmost importance, with booth traffic having to be heavily regulated. Hybrid events will be the future with virtual supporting actual and, visa versa.
Of special note is that trade shows are much safer than indoor concerts, museums or even political rallies. Trade show attendees usually are required to wear a badge identification, which has been verified by show personnel at registration. And trade shows have rules to attend, such as no soliciting on the show floor, no meetings in the aisles, etc.
Trade show exhibitors and attendees meet for the purpose of generating business where they have invested time and money to get together. Therefore, it is to their advantage that the show be safe and successful in order to create business again.
The Together Again Expo will be a test case showing that security and hygiene will be up to the highest standards. Only by doing so will exhibiting and attending trade shows give the population confidence to return again. The event suppliers and organizers will have a key part to play in order to earn the confidence of all concerned. All labour, food, and security services will have to assure everyone of safety according to the health authorities’ requirements. From the loading docks to the exhibit installers, exhibitors and, all service contractors will have to have health protocols in place. All stages of exhibiting will have to prove, beyond a doubt, that shows can be safe from “load in to load out.”
If done well, all exhibitors and attendees should be followed for a predetermined time to confirm that no infections took place as a result of attending the show. All labourers and outside vendors should be traced too. Yes, a lot of work with big gains if we can resume events again and help to restore the economy.
Planners will have to assess how their activities can be performed in a safe and hygienic manner. For example, scanning of badges can be made mandatory versus exchanging business cards.
Will “giveaways” be allowed? Business cards? How will food services and washrooms adjust with social distancing in place? A post-show debrief will have a “must-do list” with action plans for future show planning. All service contractors and exhibitors should plan a post-show debrief with improvements for future shows, as well.
Security, too, has to be planned to include how to handle people that resist mask-wearing or overcrowding of booths, washrooms or, eating areas. These Covid-19 protocols are in addition to the existing security protocols for large events. And this planning, for the safe return of trade shows, has to take place worldwide.
It can be envisioned that organizers, shows, and venues will now be rated not only for attendance and tourism location but also for health and hygiene standards.
Throughout this test of the world, we are experiencing how the majority of our global citizens are good people wanting to help others. The earth’s successful future will only result if we all work together for our collective benefit globally.
Thankfully, we have seen panic buying reduced or eliminated. The implementation of Canadian grocery hours has helped the elderly, healthcare workers, and other vulnerable people to shop during earlier dedicated hours. The pandemic has shown the finest examples of humanity being visible and tolerant.
Remember the future is now, and we can succeed in attaining the impossible of finding a cure and returning to life similar to pre-COVID-19. And possibly better, with more flexibility and appreciation of what we have.
“It always seems impossible until it is done.” Nelson Mandela 2001

Society Awakening: Post-COVID Tradeshow Opportunities
“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ one brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity.”
John F. Kennedy
Over a half a century later, these words are even more accurate now.
The world has changed abruptly. And with it, hopefully, we are becoming smarter and more flexible and, taking advantage of the opportunities.
The exhibit industry is a fine example of being creative and adaptable during this pandemic.
Around the world, countries are slowly returning to normal with the opening of other businesses, large and small, albeit with safety protocols in place.
The resumption of familiarity with leisure and business will increase travel too.
Tourism is beginning now with Italy and Spain reopening, including their museums.
Trade shows will resume as well, in time.
As of this post, Canada will invest $30 million to promote national tourism because of the closure of the country’s borders due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. This is good news for the trade show industry. Local shows will begin using portable displays.
Airlines are seeing numbers of travellers increasing faster than predictions, especially with the new sanitary measures in place.
Hotel chains, too, as well as Airbnb, are launching new cleanliness and hygiene measures to give guests peace of mind when staying at their establishments. And the trade show exhibit industry is ready with additional “walls and partitions” to help adapt spaces to the health crisis protecting sales teams and clients.
These portable and lightweight panels will help people to maintain social distancing.
Portable partitions can even be used in elevators to allow more people access at one time.
An additional benefit of these walls is increased “branding and messaging opportunities.”
Companies can also take these portable walls to their trade shows to act as social distancing separators. There are even curved fabric enclosures to create small offices.
New antimicrobial fabric displays are now also available to aid with further protection. These units will help you to adhere to social distancing while combining sculptural wall designs that will help you establish risk-free environments.
Bannerstands, too are now offered with clear panels that can be used as separators for social distancing, with the additional feature of being able to be imprinted with a message or logo.
Let us not forget to have a hand sanitizer station at each booth to help protect staff and visitors. These units will also encourage visitors to stop by your booth. What a new world it is where now we are offering hand sanitizer as “swag”?
During this global reset, let us remind and reassure each other that the changes back to normalcy are beginning and will return soon. Once again, we will hug our children, have dinner with friends, and return to concerts and trade shows. The world will have learned many positive things during this pandemic.
Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
And we will succeed in finding a vaccine to this “impossible virus” and return to good times again.

The Exhibit World- Where are we going to go from here?
Like most of us, I have had too much screen time, alone, indoors, eating too much junk and, letting my hair grow.
Days are long without a true schedule, other than my one outdoors walk-a-day, social distancing with a mask when needed. Certainly, no hugs and kisses, which are a past memory.
Finally, though, I watched a webinar on tourism detailing “Where we are. Where we’re headed and how to get there,” which brought me hope for the exhibit industry.
It will be a bumpy road to get us back to where we were but, we will get there in time.
Thankfully, online meetings, webinars, and classrooms have allowed us to have some level of normalcy and human interaction.
Society is finally really appreciating our devoted health care workers, frontline retail clerks, and teachers.
We all have now become more sensitive to how we appear on camera too. We have learned that our image must be professional, as we judge our associate’s appearance on screen, as they judge ours. This, though, is an opportunity for us to enhance our image while reinforcing our branding with the use of portable backdrops.
The use of sneeze guards, additional signage, and traffic barriers have become common now in supermarkets, grocery stores, and pharmacies. We will now also see them at the outdoor markets, garden centers, marinas, and golf courses. Outdoor Information tents and guidance signs will be visible, too, allowing us more security from exposure to germs.
Travel will resume with the lifting of restrictions, locally first, to see family and friends by car. Local business will resume too with smaller trade shows, which we can easily drive to. Overnight stays will return once we feel secure with the new disinfection protocols of hotels and restaurants.
All these situations will need social distancing controls with sneeze guards, wall dividers and, hand sanitizers. Our exhibits will also require social distancing and sanitizing equipment added to our booth materials.
Thankfully, the beginning of the spring warmer weather will allow us to get outdoors more often, interacting with friends and family. Social distancing, of course.
The future is looking brighter.
Have a great season, and remember that the world has been set back before and came out stronger and better. Let us all work towards regaining a great quality of life, with less pollution and the saving of our greatest natural resource… the planet earth and its inhabitants

BERLINdisplays is here for you
As I write this, the number of coronavirus cases in the USA has exploded, and the number of Canadians afflicted are on the upswing as well. Of all the priorities in our life, health is the most important.
Fear of losing our health has many businesses pulling up welcome mats and bringing in signs. In the trade show industry, plants are closed, and all events are on hold until further notice. There is no denying that it’s a scary time, and we are all trying to make the best of it. BERLINdisplays wanted to remind you of a few things, and perhaps even bring you a little hope for the future.
In business, there are cycles, expansion, peak, contraction, and so on. The same is true in life. This is a world cycle. Our forefathers had wars, Depression, the Holocaust, plagues, and the sun, and fun returned again.
We will survive. And we will be stronger and better because of it.
Soon enough, we will be back on the trade show floor, promoting our products and services once again. Being productive can help us through challenging times, or even if you need a distraction, we are here to discuss, plan, and design future projects virtually. Or, if you just need to speak to another human being living in this global reset too. Although we are not exactly sure when the new normal will present itself, we can be ready when it happens.
In the meantime, stay safe by washing your hands well, following social distancing recommendations, and wearing a mask when necessary. If you need a dose of positivity, view this “tribute to our healthcare workers.”

2020 Montreal Trade Shows and Conventions 2nd Quarter
Your partner for designing and creating trade show booths to stop traffic, engage your potential customer, and help your company remain top-of-mind in your industry, BERLINdisplays has the creative experience you need to help you remain top of mind long after the show has ended.
Since preplanning, design, and assembly of your customized booth and/or booth elements can take some time, we are happy to offer a list of the bigger trade shows, conventions, and expos coming to Montreal in the second quarter of 2020.
Plan now to impress attendees at the second quarter events that will have the greatest impact on your business.
We display you at your best. Contact BERLINdisplays for more information, or to begin the planning and design for your most effective booth ever!
2020 Montreal Trade Shows and Conventions 2nd Quarter
(By Month)
4-5 April
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Enjoy hundreds of exhibitors, presentations, and experts. Several theatres will show themed movies, there will be a white-water demo pool and an eco-dive dive tank.
8-9 April
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
A conference promoting successful exchanges between employers and candidates.
15-17 April
SIAL CANADA – L’Inspiration Alimentaire
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Over 25,000 visitors and 1,200 exhibitors attend this exhibition to celebrate the quality and diversity of the international food industry.
17-18 April
Place Bonaventure
Meetings and exchanges for all professionals in the world of the printed. Experts and equipment on hand, and many specialists in creation and design.
23 April
Olympic Stadium
Canada’s biggest consumer fair for families in Canada.
24-26 April
Electric & Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Show
Olympic Stadium
Covering the electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle industry, general automotive, and environmental protection.
25-25 April
Palais des Congrès Montréal
Quebec’s largest Own Your Own Business event featuring successful franchises, new opportunities, many exhibitors, and free seminars.
1-2 May
Expo Grands Travuax – Équipment Lourd
Espace Saint-Hyacinthe
One of the largest heavy machinery exhibitions in eastern Canada. Meet major equipment manufacturers and dealers.
11-13 May
MMTS – Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show
Place Bonaventure
At Quebec’s leading manufacturing event, metalworking technologies connect with digital transformation.
26-27 May
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Billed as the HR, talent and payroll technologies expo, this event brings together global, national, and local professionals and vendors, and offers demonstrations and super-demos.
28-30 May
SIDIM – Salon du Design
Place Bonaventure
Canada’s premium design trade event bringing together designers, architects, specifiers, buyers and more.
29 May-2 June
Ordre des dentists du Québec / Order of Dentists of Quebec
Palais des Congrèss de Montreal
Includes a scientific program, workshops, and conferences for the needs of dentists and dental teams.
11 June
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Montreal’s leading IT Conference & Exhibition.
29 June-1 July
World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials
Occurring once every six years in North America, it is the largest global powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials event.
Winning Tactics for Attending That Last-Minute Trade Show
Management has decided to attend a trade show at the last minute, and now you’re left wondering how you’re going to pull something together in time, let alone WOW prospective clients. If your team has kept good records, you have access to high-quality media files, and you’ve got the name of a quality Trade Show partner, like BERLINdisplays; it’s not impossible to pull a booth and your presence together quickly. The following guide will help you create winning tactics for attending that last-minute trade show.
- Determine your goals. Decide whether your focus at this trade show will be brand awareness, developing new business relationships, lead generation, or any combination of reasons.
- Take inventory of your trade show display material. Verify all company’s logos or graphics are current. Confirm the appropriate language used at the location. Ensure the transport and install/dismal schedules are realistic. Consider using portable exhibits, pamphlet racks if the schedule is limited. Verify the location and dates for the next show to be prepared.
- Order visuals. Do you need something new? If you’ve got high-quality graphics on file, BERLINdisplays can turn many visuals around for you within 48 hours.
- Trade Booth Rental. If you don’t already have an exhibit in storage, BERLINdisplays can rent and ship within 48 hours. Of course, this depends on the size and design.
- Tell the world you’re going to the trade show. If you don’t have time to reach out, ask someone who does. Refine and consolidate your messages to your lists, in social media, advertising, and any other opportunities that present themselves.
- Manage the Project. As you go through this process, coordinate your lists, delegated tasks, deadlines, and point people. Consider creating a group in your email or team-based software for the tasks at hand. Make sure everyone updates your list(s) frequently.
- Have all your marketing material ready. Verify all support material required is current and, if appropriate, show location language. That is signage, business cards, brochures, price lists, pens, swag.
The lead up to a trade show deadline may feel like a race as the date looms ever closer. Good partnerships within your company and with your trade show design firm can alleviate much of the stress.
Post-show: Establish a strategy to follow up with your contacts. Employ all media “touchpoints” to thank all attendees. Coordinate this with your sales department.
Successfully implementing these tactics for attending that last-minute trade show will result in increased company sales.
Need some expert advice or assistance? BERLINdisplays can help you with everything from design, graphics, portable, and modular exhibits. Including transport and customs clearance. Call (514) 939-3600 or, email

Montreal Trade Shows & Conventions 1st Quarter
BERLINdisplays wants to be your partner in designing and creating a trade show booth that will stop traffic, engage your potential customer, and will help your company remain top-of-mind for your industry long after the trade show has ended.
Since preplanning, design, and assembly of your customized booth and/or booth elements can take some time, we are happy to offer a list of the bigger trade shows, conventions, and expos coming to Montreal in the first quarter of the new year.
Begin planning now to wow attendees at 2020 events that will have the greatest impact on your business.
We display you at your best. Contact BERLINdisplays for more information, or to begin the planning and design for your most effective booth ever!
2020 Montreal Trade Shows & Conventions 1st Quarter
(By Month)
17-26 Jan
Palais des Congres de Montreal
One of Canada’s most influential automobile shows and contests.
24-26 Jan
Place Bonaventure
A show dedicated to the adult playground of all things taboo.
3-6 Feb
PaperWeek Canada and BIOFOR International 2020
Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Montreal
The Pulp & Paper industry’s preeminent annual conference and tradeshow in Canada.
Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Montreal
This International Forest Biorefinery Summit covers biorefinery resources, supply chain, technologies, products and materials, and building connections between the chemical and biorefinery industries.
6-9 Feb
Palais des Congres Montreal
The largest Boat Show in Quebec hosting 250 exhibitors.
8-9 Feb
Palais des Congres Montreal
A Complete Yoga Convention
13 Feb
Quebec Apartment Investment Conference
Palais des Congres Montreal
Multifamily unit investing, covering financing, construction, and market trending.
14-15 Feb
TIMBER MART National Buying Show
Palais des congrès Montreal
The Timber Mart National Buying Show
21-23 Feb
Montreal Bicycle Show
Olympic Stadium Montreal
A trade show dedicated to all things bicycle and bicycle tourism.
20-23 Feb
Salon Plein Air, Chasse et Pêche de Montreal
Palais des congrès Montreal
The Outdoors, Hunting and Fishing Show focuses on products related to the outdoor sporting industry.
26-28 Feb
Bonaventure Hotel
A conference for web developers with skills instruction and product vendors.
28 Feb -01 March
Palais des Congres Montreal
Premiere motorcycle convention in Quebec, filled with the latest models, gear, and equipment.
2019 Frontline Services Conference
Palais des Congres Montreal
The Association of Medical Clinics of Quebec is pleased to invite you to come and learn about innovative products, services, and more.
5-8 March
Recreational Vehicles Convention de Montreal
Palais des Congres Montreal
Featuring the latest models, newest innovations, and the best of RV products and services.
12-15 March
Palais des Congres Montreal
Attracting homeowners in Quebec who are planning projects and getting future renovation and product ideas.
11-12 Mar
Location TBA
This conference focuses on the growing physical changes in the Arctic, as well as compliance, market updates, developments and investments, and increasing profitability.
17-18 March
Palais des Congres Montreal
This convention is for online entrepreneurs and related professionals.
20-22 March
Healthy eating, ecology and health Expo
Palais des Congres Montreal
Speakers, exhibitors, and demonstrations of a healthier lifestyle.
24-26 March
Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Montreal
Building alliances between producers and buyers of wood products.
25-26 March
Palais des Congres Montreal
An opportunity to get in front of AI early adopters from FTSE 100 to large global enterprises to cutting edge startups looking to be acquired.
Salon Ma Carriere Employment Fair
Palais des Congres Montreal
Job fair filled with representatives from companies all over Canada, seeking to hire new employees.
27-29 March
Palais des Congres Montreal
Canada’s largest consumer show targeting women.

The 8 BEST Ideas for Attracting People to your Trade Show Booth
You spend money attending trade shows to present your company to your target market: the flights, hotels, and the trade show booth itself. One of the biggest fears for vendors is that everyone will walk past their booth. There are so many places for pedestrians to stop, how will you make your booth stand out in a sea of marketing, welcoming smiles, and extended hands?
BERLINdisplays is sharing our 8 BEST ideas for attracting people to your trade show booth:
- Build excitement!
Connect with clients, prospects, and trade show attendees with emails, social media, and prizes long before the trade show! Run a contest or two for dinner out while at the trade show or unveil the company swag you’ll be sharing while there. Announce contest winners at the booth the first day and run a second contest to be announced the last day. Suggest visitors drop their name in the bucket once per day. - Make ‘em laugh!
Whether you hire a comedian who can write & share industry-related jokes, give away swag that makes them giggle, or hang a humorous poster, any type of funny makes people look twice and immediately relax. If you opt for the poster,BERLINdisplays has some great ways to display your humor. If you go all out with the comedy routine, we have some great iPad kiosks or monitors big enough for the crowd that will congregate!
- Get a little crazy!
What can you do that is unexpected? Does your product or logo lend itself to a theme? For example, if there is a bird in your logo, bring in a talking parrot. If you work in software, bring in a robot that can do something interesting. Do you have a product that solves a problem for them? Hire massage therapists to provide a 5-minute massage and discuss rubbing their problems out for them. Think outside the box! Go for the FOMO!
If your booth is busy, it automatically draws more people in who might suffer from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). A great way to do this is to add free charging stations for visitors’ tablets and phones. Your guests will appreciate the convenience, and it gives you a chance to talk with them and determine their needs. Meanwhile, they’ll remember your company with gratitude!- Make them hungry for more!
Water and snacks are an easy way to bring people into your booth! Hunger and thirst are basic needs that everyone has. - Take a load off!
Add a few chairs and maybe even an ottoman so visitors can rest their poor, abused trade show feet. This time spent in your booth gives you another opportunity to talk to the weary who need rest. Food & rest will soothe the savage beast in any trade show attendee, making them much more open to conversation. - Let there be light!
Call attention to your top-shelf products or services as people are walking past to bring them in for more information. Backlighting your best media makes it stand out and sets your product & services apart from the ordinary. - WOW them!
Ask BERLINdisplays to create your trade show booth. We’ve been a leading designer and producer of portable and custom modular exhibits over 30 years, and we know what attracts trade show attendees into your booth! Customize your booth to make it stand out from your competitors and bring new clients in to learn more about your company. We’re based in Montreal, Quebec but create and ship booths all over the world. Find out how we can help set you apart at your next trade show!

2019 Montreal Trade Shows and Conventions 4th Quarter
Are you ready to stop traffic, engage your potential customer, and help your company remain top-of-mind for your industry? BERLINdisplays wants to be your partner in designing and creating a trade show booth that will do all of these things long after the trade show has ended.
Here are the larger trade shows, conventions, and expos coming to Montreal in the fourth quarter of 2019. Preplanning, design, and assembly of your customized booth and/or booth elements for these tradeshows should be planned now to wow attendees at events that will have the greatest impact on your business.
We display you at your best. Contact BERLINdisplays for more information, or to begin the planning and design for your most effective booth ever!
2019 Montreal Conventions Fourth Quarter
(By Month)
3-4 October
Montreal Cannabis Expo
Place Bonaventure
An event for learning and sharing information about the cannabis industry.
21-22 October
SIM Expo
Hotel Bonaventure
SIM Expo is a hybrid of academic conference, industry exhibition, and networking event for the simulation and healthcare education industries.
23-24 October
XPLOR 2019
Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel
Offering over 100 exhibitors from the mining industry, with conferences covering the latest developments in mining exploration.
24-27 October
Expo Habitation D’Automne 2019
Stade Olympique
An expo that attracts builders, designers, real-estate developers, and vendors who offer building materials, products, and services for the home.
25-27 October
International Tourism & Travel Show
Place Bonaventure
International Tourism & Travel Show is an opportunity to introduce your new products and services to thousands of targeted consumers.
30-31 October
Le Grand Rende-Vous
Palais des Congres de Montreal
Products and services in the occupational health and safety industry.
31 October – 2 November
La Grande Degustation de Montreal 2019
Place Bonaventure
Largest spirits & wine gathering in eastern Canada with products from around the world.
14 November
Contech Montreal
Palais des Congres de Montreal
Building and Construction Exhibition for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
16-17 November
MEGA Montreal Expo Gaming Arcade
Montreal’s Grand Quay
Share your products with the public, game developers, hobbyists & commercial delegates. Followed by MIGS 2019.
The Franchise Expo
Palais des Congres de Montreal
An expo for those interested in owning their own business franchise. Attended by potential owners and a vast array of businesses offering franchise opportunities from restaurants to health care.
18-19 November
Montreal International Games Summit – MIGS 2019
Montreal’s Grand Quay
MIGS is an international video/digital games industry conference focusing on interactive digital content design, marketing, and networking.
18-19 November
Canadian Aviation Conference and Trade Show (ATAC)
Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel
The ATAC event is the largest gathering of the Canadian commercial aviation industry including airlines, flight training, aircraft manufacturers, maintenance providers, parts providers, other suppliers to the aviation industry, government aviation officials and guests.
20-22 November
Centerxpo Cogeco Drummondville
Quebec’s Trade Show for horticulture and landscaping professionals.
20-25 November
Salon du Livre de Montreal
Place Bonaventure
Montreal International Book Fair