HI again, I hope all the exhibitors and attendees are healthy and doing well, not withstanding COVID-19.
Finally, there is so much to be thankful for….firstly our good health and, our great Canadian healthcare system with all of our devoted healthcare workers.
We now too, are on the brink of producing a vaccine for a cure.
With so many companies being in late stage vaccine trials.
And with the U.S. election finally over, bringing in a new administration ready to stabilize and bring together the country. Along with getting the virus under control.
Exhibit production and show bookings are even being planned for the summer with exhibitors reviewing and, updating their graphics.
Remember too, that besides exhibits, we design and produce great showrooms and instore displays, retail environments, museum fixtures and, COVID plexi and fabric dividers.
Lastly, let us look forward to being able to celebrate a happy holiday season together with a bright healthy future to look forward too.
Maybe distanced and virtual but, together in healthy, mind and bodies.
With hope for a healthy safe spring and, summer rebirth.
Happy holidays!
Stay healthy and safe!
Best regards, Larry
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